Mission and vision
From WargameChess
Free and accessible
- All of the game's rules are posted here on the site free, so you can read them as long you have internet access. As the game's rules have a limited need for images, the site should require very little cellular data usage. Thanks to the collaborators at MediaWiki, this site should be stable and usable for both desktop and phone web browsers.
- If your internet access is limited, each rule page on the site here has a [printable version] button (the exact placement of which depends on which MediaWiki theme you are viewing the site through). We also offer well-formatted PDFs of the rules on our Patreon page (free to subscribers).
- Players are welcome to use miniatures from other tabletop games in Wargame Chess, though at its most basic form the game works with pieces that have been around for years and are available in most parts of the world. In fact, you may already own some, most, or all of what's required to play this game!
- Right now, the game's rules are only available in English, though we are hoping to offer it in other languages in the future. We are also looking at eventually offering our PDFs in type fonts that are easier to read for those with Dyslexia or other reading difficulties.
Designed to avoid rule bloat, scale creep, and power creep
- All of our factions were designed to fit on a single page of paper - as seen in the PDFs found on our Patreon (we are working on refining the [printable version] on this site so they too can fit on one page). So while there were many more piece options we wanted to fit in each faction, we cut the selection down to deliver a streamlined and cohesive gaming experience. These cut options may come to the game in a future expansion, in some form...
- At its completion, this game will feature 40 factions that are tested and designed for casual and competitive play (you can see the list of them here). While we do have plans for other game modules, and special factions designed by members of the internal testing group, these will have no influence or impact on the core game.
- Even though the faction expansions will release at different times, all 40 factions were written during the same stage of development and were built upon each other. The gameplay ecosystem will change with every expansion release, but the faction design philosophy and identity will not change in a way that leaves early-released factions feeling antiquated.
- As this game is free to play and enjoy:
- We have no monetary incentive to make newly released factions more powerful than established ones.
- This allows us to be transparent about the goings-on of our development pipeline, and not hold future projects to ransom behind sales of newly released products.[1]
Maintain an engaging gameplay experience
- Continue to test and develop faction expansions internally
- Each faction expansion release will, no doubt, bring about changes in the established gameplay ecosystem. We will be keeping an eye on the community's discussions on each gameplay meta and adjust faction and game rules if the gameplay experience isn't living up to our standards.
- ↑ This is a passion project - we will keep working on it regardless of support.