The Blights of Winter

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Complexity: ★

Faction Rules & Upgrades

Bring forth the winter solstice (minor arcana)

When a piece's rule says to “Conjure Winter X”:

  • Reveal X cards from the deck and keep 1 aside for the rest of the game;
  • Discard the rest of the revealed cards;
  • Use the table below to resolve the associated effect based on its suit.

When a piece would Conjure Winter and each enemy piece on the board has one or more Disadvantage tokens, The Thaw[1] begins. Henceforth, when a piece would Conjure Winter by any amount, you must discard that many cards you have kept aside. For each card discarded this way, remove a Disadvantage or Curse token from an enemy piece. If there are no such tokens left on enemy pieces, instead place a Disadvantage token on one of your pieces.[2] If a piece would Conjure Winter by any amount and there are no cards to discard this way, instead give a piece from this faction 2 Disadvantage tokens for each card you would have had to discard but could not.

Card type kept Effect
King Place 1 Disadvantage token on each enemy adjacent to your King. If you have no King, or there are no enemies adjacent to it, give 1 such token to an enemy piece that has none.
Queen Place 1 Disadvantage token on each enemy adjacent to your Queen. If you have no Queen, or there are no enemies adjacent to it, give 1 such token to an enemy piece that has none.
Jack or Ace Place 1 Disadvantage token on each enemy adjacent to one of your Rooks, Knights, Bishops, or Joker. If you have no such positionals, or there are no enemies adjacent to any of them, give 1 such token to an enemy piece that has none.
Numbered Place 1 Disadvantage token on an enemy piece that has none.

Piece Options

Name (ranked highest to lowest) and quantity allowance Piece Type Additional Special Rules Common Special Rules
Father Winter


King Freezing Reign (minor arcana): At the start of this King’s Activation, Conjure Winter 2. While you have 10 or more cards kept aside from Conjuring Winter, this King cannot be Cursed, given Disadvantage tokens, or be slain.[3] At the end of turn 10, if this King is still on the board you win the game. Faction Leader
Witch of November


Queen Bone-chilling Gale (minor arcana): When this Queen Attacks an enemy and they successfully Defend, give that enemy 2 Disadvantage tokens. When this Queen is slain, Conjure Winter 8 and keep no fewer than 4 of those cards.
Jack Frost

(0-1, Legendary)

Joker Winter Wonderland (minor arcana): At the start of this Joker’s Activation, if a Joker card is face up you may turn it face down to Conjure Winter 2. When a piece Conjures Winter, for each Joker card facing down do one of the following:
  • Increase the Conjure Winter amount by 1.
  • Keep 1 additional card if possible.
Fool's Endeavour
Solstice Totem


Bishop Ancient obelisk: This Bishop cannot Attack, Move, or be relocated.[4] If an enemy slays this Bishop, remove all Blessing and Advantage tokens from them, then you may Curse them.

Bring forth the solstice (minor arcana): At the start of this Bishop’s Activation, Conjure Winter 3. Whenever you Conjure Winter, keep up to 1 additional revealed card for each Bishop of yours on the board, if possible. Or, if it’s after The Thaw, discard 1 additional card per Bishop of yours on the board.[5]



Rook Good willed: This Rook cannot Attack, be Attacked, or Cursed unless Rooks are the only pieces remaining of yours on the board.

Little jig (minor arcana): Immediately after this Rook Castles, Conjure Winter 3. At the end of this Rook's Activation, if it is adjacent to an ally, you may place it into an unoccupied square adjacent to that ally.



Knight Natural camouflage (minor arcana): This Knight can only be given a Curse or Disadvantage token by:
  • A piece that is adjacent to this Knight,
  • A piece Attacking this Knight,
  • A piece being Attacked by this Knight,
  • Or a piece that was just slain by this Knight.When this Knight successfully Attacks or Defends, Conjure Winter 4 between Activations.
Mounted Advantage
Arctic Wolf


Pawn Prowl (minor arcana): At the start of this Pawn’s Activation you may do one of the following:
  • Give it an Advantage token. If you do, it cannot Move this Activation (it may still Attack).
  • Give it a Disadvantage token, place it into an unoccupied adjacent square, then Conjure Winter 1 (it may still Move or Attack after).
En Passant;


FAQ and Elaborations

  1. The Thaw itself is not an effect that resolves, it’s just a point in the game that can occur: it either has happened, or it hasn’t. The Thaw cannot occur in the middle of a Conjure Winter resolution; if, say, there is only 1 enemy without a Disadvantage token, and your Queen dies, causing you to Conjure Winter 8 and keep 4 or more cards, resolve all of those cards normally. The check for enemies with/without Disadvantage tokens happens at the start of the Conjure Winter resolution. If during the resolution of a Conjure Winter you run out of legal targets to place Disadvantage tokens on, you cannot place more Disadvantage tokens.
  2. An example of how this could resolve: After The Thaw, a piece from this faction Conjures Winter 3; so you discard 3 of the kept cards; you see only 2 enemies have Disadvantage/Curse tokens, so those 2 get removed, then you give 1 piece from this faction a Disadvantage token; between removing the 2 tokens and giving an ally 1 token, all 3 cards discarded this way have been resolved.
  3. If he would be slain while you have 10 or more cards kept aside via Conjure the Winter Solstice, place him into an unoccupied adjacent square.
  4. Relocation includes: placement, random placement, redeployment, combat movement, or involuntary Moves/Attacks.
  5. If after The Thaw you would, for example, Conjure Winter 3 and have 2 Bishops on the board, you will discard 5 cards.